How to add an HTML signature file in Outlook 2013

So you’re staring at your fancy new HTML email signature and wondering how on earth to install it to Microsoft Outlook. Well, we’re here to help.

Frustratingly Microsoft has made it complicated if you want to use a custom html email signature in Outlook 2013. Fortunately, we have you covered. Here’s the step-by-step process helping you install your fancy new signature.

1. Enable hidden files

Open up your File Explorer (Windows Key + E).

Double click on your hard drive (Usually OS (C:) for most users).

Click on the View tab at the top.

At the top-right, click on Options, then select “Change Folder and Search Options”.

The Folder Options dialog box should have popped up. Click on the View Tab.

Mark the option that says “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”.

Make sure the option that says “Hide extensions for known file types” in unchecked.

Hit the Apply button, then hit Ok.

2. Install the Signature

Make sure you still have the File Explorer open on your hard drive. (Windows Key + E then open C:).

Navigate to Users/[Your User Name]/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Signatures.

Drop your .htm signature file into this folder.

If your HTML file ends with the file extension .html then it needs to be changed to .htm. Right-click on your HTML file and select Rename, then change the file extension to .htm

Open Outlook 2013. If you already had Outlook running you may need to close it and re-open.

Click on File, then Options, then Mail, then click on the Signatures button.

You should see your new signature file in the list in the “Select signatures to edit” box.

The name of the signature will be the same as your HTML file name. Your signature may not look correct in the preview area, but do not worry! This is perfectly normal so don’t try to make any alterations.

Make sure you choose your signature in the “New messages” and “Replies/forwards” select menus.

Click Ok until you are all the way out of the pop-ups.

Click New Email to view your new signature.

3. That's it

Congratulations, you’re now level expert. Enjoy.

How to install an HTML email signature on Mac Mail

1. Open Mac Mail preferences

First up, let’s open Mac Mail, then top left, click File followed by Preferences

2. Create a new placeholder signature

Along the top we see General, Accounts, Junk… etc. We want Signatures.

Click the + under column 2. You will a new signature #1 appear.

Feel free to name it anything you like. In the 3rd column, type a placeholder – the word “HERE” works.

Click and drag the new signature from the middle column and drop it on the email accounts in the left column you wish to use your new signature. Don’t worry, we will get to replacing the “HERE” with your html shortly.

You can now close this window with the red x top left and close Mac Mail with Command + Q on the keyboard.

3. Navigate to placeholder

Now we replace the newly created signature with your html code.

Open a new Finder window.

In the menu bar click Go. Now, this is nifty. Hold the Option Key on your keyboard, you see that new menu option that’s popped up Library – let’s click that.

A new finder window will pop up and you’ll be sitting in Library. Within this folder we want Mail / V2 / MailData / Signatures containing .mailsignature files. If there is more than one, we need to find the most recent.

This will be easier in finder list view, hit Command + 2 and now you can see a Date Modified column. We’re looking for the most recent. Now Control + Click (or right click), Open With, TextEdit.

A giveaway will be seeing ‘HERE’ within the code.

4. Replace the code

Have your html signature code ready by opening the file in TextEdit the same way as above.

Now we simply replace everything below the Mime-Version line with our html email signature and hit Command + S to save. If it asks you to unlock the file, click Unlock.

5. Lock it up

Click the little downwards facing arrow on the top bar, and select Locked, then Command + Q again to quit. You can also close the finder window now.

6. Send away

Now when you open Mail, you will have a fancy new html signature.

Compose a new email and you’ll see a signature drop down on the right hand side. Select your new signature.

Within preferences, you also have the option to change the default email signature for each mail account.

7. That's it

Enjoy your snazzy new html email signature.

How to install an HTML email signature on iOS iPhone

1. View your html email signature in Safari

Open your provided email signature link in Safari

2. Copy your email signature

Tap and hold your finger on some part of the email body that is not a link.

When the iOS select box appears, drag the blue handles at the end to surround your signature.

Once surrounded, tap the “Copy” button to copy your signature to your iOS Clipboard.

3. Paste your email signature

Hit the home button to close Safari.

Navigate to the iOS Settings App, then to “Mail”, then near the bottom “Signatures”.

You will see a list of emails you have setup.

Tap twice in the empty box and select “Paste” from the popup menu.

Don’t close yet – we have one more step, as the signature doesn’t look right just yet.

4. Shake to fix

Apple automatically tries to “enhance” the signature when you paste it, causing it to become messed up and distorted. Luckily, they allow us to Undo these “enhancements”.

Shake your device until an “Undo Change Attributes” screen shows.

5. That's it

Enjoy your updated html email signature.

How to install an html email signature into Microsoft Outlook 2019 / Office365

Installing an html email signature to Office365 or Microsoft Outlook 2019

So you’re staring at your fancy new HTML email signature and wondering how on earth to install it to Microsoft Outlook. Well, we’re here to help. This one’s an easy one. 2 min and we’ll be done.

What you'll need

  • An html email signature
  • A Microsoft Office365 License
  • Microsoft Outlook Outlook mail

Don’t have Outlook? Download  from

Don’t have an Office365 licence? Contact Us and we’ll help you get it set up.

Don’t have an html email signature? Contact Us and we’ll  make it happen.

1. View your signature

You should have received a link to your email signature. Something like this

If you don’t have one and would like one, click here to get in touch. We’ll design and code one for you and your business.

2. Copy

Select the entire signature by dragging the mouse or with Edit > Select AllYou can also use the keyboard shortcut, ctrl + A (pc) or Command+A (mac).

Once selected, right click and hit Copy.

3. Open Outlook Office 365

Open up Microsoft Outlook.

Click New Email, in the top toolbar you should see Signatures. 

Once you’ve clicked signatures, hit the + button under signature name.

Name your signature, and in the white space below, paste your copied signature with right click, paste. Or ctrl+V (pc) or Command+V(mac).

4. Keep formatting

Looking pretty good.

One last little trick, see the little icon at the bottom that looks like a clipboard? Click it and hit Keep Source Formatting.

5. Close and Save and set to default

Now you’re pretty much done, close the window being sure to save.

At the bottom of the next widow, where it says New Message and Replies/Forwards. Hit the dropdown menus and select your new email signature.

6. Congratulations!

You’re now level expert. Enjoy your new email signature in Outlook.